This list is 101 things that I would like to do in the next 1001 days (approximately 2.75 years). I'll do my best to update this page with my progress along the way.
- Bake my own bread
- Learn how to use my camera.
Give birth.(Jack Tarin born au naturale on June 7, 2011 at 9:06am, 9 lbs 7.7 oz, 21.5 inches).Attempt cloth diapering.(7/5/11, it has it's stinky moments, but so far so good).- Learn how to can.
- Make homemade applesauce at the farm.
- Breastfeed (6/7/11).
- Make my own baby food.
- Wear my baby (6/11/11).
Plant a fruit tree in our yard(6/5/11, we planted two).- Refinish a piece of furniture
- Donate 500 things (1/16/11-118 items out the door).
- Learn to sew (5/26/11ish, made curtains for the nursery, but I'm still learning).
- Sew an apron.
- Start/participate in a community garden.
- Buy local/organic meat.
- Take weekly prayer walks through our neighborhood.
- Have a cookout with our neighbors.
- Plan a Christmas craft party.
- Go on a personal retreat.
- Attend a marriage conference with Jeff.
Acquire a piano.(1/17/11 found one on craigslist for a reasonable price. It now resides in our dining room.)- Re-learn how to play the piano.
- Write 10 poems
- Knit or crochet a baby bear hat.
Participate in a community art project.(December 2010, contributed scarf pieces for the Austin Blair Needs a Scarf Project)- Read a biography of a missionary.
- Back up my computer.
Buy something off Etsy(7/2/11, it was listed on Etsy, but I bought it directly from the artist at her house since she's a friend :-)- Try 5 new restaurants (Five Guys Burgers and Fries, Bi Bim Bab Korean Restaurant).
- Try 25 new dinner recipes (crock-pot pork chops, Italian sausage pasta, mom's meatloaf, cheesy garlic chicken, cauliflower soup).
- Repeat 5 of the above mentioned recipes until memorized (crock-pot pork chops).
- Paint the living room.
- Fill all empty photo frames in the house.
- Complete list of 1000 gifts.
- Yarn bomb something.
- Learn what it means to practice the Sabbath in a postmodern world.
- Practice Sabbath as a family.
- Read 10 fiction books. (1/11 Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers)
- Read 10 non-fiction books.
- Go through Grandparent's photos.
- Audit a seminary class.
- Celebrate Jeff's completion of his MDiv.
- Take a road trip to somewhere neither of us has been before.
- Read all the Narnia books.
- Create a will.
Use my library card/church library 10 times(the library is our new favorite place for free entertainment).Watch "The Business of Being Born"(Sometime around 2/11).- Date night once a month. (1/11)
- Write a letter and send pictures to Auntie.
Leave a 100% tip at a restaurant.(1/11/11 on a snowy slow night at Red Robin)Prepare the nursery(5/28/11, still hanging pictures but it's mostly done).- Renew my passport.
- Blog 2-3 times per week.
- Send birthday cards in a timely manner.
- Send thank you notes in a timely manner.
- Fund a Roth IRA.
Refinance our mortgage.(Looked into it 1/6/11 and it doesn't make sense for us right now)- Jog a mile comfortably.
- Complete no spend month once a year.
- Pick blueberries.
- Sew reusable Christmas bags.
- Winterize the house/yard.
- Glean with a baby on my back.
Plant sunflowers in our yard(5/11, planted the seeds but no flowers :-( will try again next summer).- Organize our closets.
- Stay a night at the hotel in Chicago where my sister works (with a family discount of course!).
- Knit/Crochet 3 baby blankets.
- Finish the window treatments for the guest room.
Visit family in Florida(2/11).- Visit family in Tennessee.
- Host a discipleship group for high school girls (started 6/11).
- Recycle grad school/unnecessary papers.
- Host 6 dinner parties, all with different guests.
- Sell something on craigslist.
- Watch Madagascar and then visit the Lincoln Park Zoo with my sister.
- Make lunch for the skiers without complaining.
- Create the opportunity for Jeff to teach our "nieces" how to ski.
- Write a letter to a friend in a foreign country.
Send pictures to Sam's mom(6/11/11, sent him home to Korea with a photo album).- Write a song with Jeff.
- Memorize a chapter of scripture. (1/13/11-I've started memorizing Colossians. Hoping to memorize the whole book within a year. 4 verses down, lots more to go)
- See the sunrise and sunset in the same day.
- Visit my sister-in-law at college.
- Have a girls weekend with my mom and sister.
- Create a wedding album.
- Take a day trip for our anniversary.
- Comment on at least one blog a week and stop lurking.
- Make lunch for the ministry team.
Make lunch for a Sunday staff meeting(1/30/11 Cozy Corn Chowder, Bread, Veggies and Oatmeal Cookies).- Go geocaching.
- Visit 5 new (to me) state/national parks.
- Go to the farmer's market in GR with Amy.
- Update address book/ get all contact info in one place.
- Go sledding at our neighborhood park.
- Complete a 365 day photo challenge.
- Print, frame, and give away 10 photographs (6/11-gave photos to all our graduates).
- Take a yoga class.
- Videotape Monte singing.
- Pray for Jeff daily.
- Pray for baby boy daily.