Milestone sticker complements of Sticky Bellies.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Two Month Photo Shoot
We did our two month photo shoot today. Jack's usually the most smiley right after he nurses in the morning. So we got everything set up last night to capitalize on those sweet moments this morning. Can't decide which one is my favorite this month.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A trip across the mitten
There was a lot of baby wearing on our recent vacation. We drove 8 1/2 hours away and never left our home state. Although, we did leave the mitten and cross the bridge into the upper peninsula, which to me feels like a whole other world. We enjoyed lots of sunshine, fresh air, and came home feeling refreshed.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Friendship Bread
I know some people cringe when someone approaches them with a bag of yeasty batter, but I was so excited when one of our students brought a friendship bread starter to our house last week.
I would post the recipe, but without the starter, it's kind of useless. I'm sure you could google how to make the starter; I've never been that brave/I like the joy in the surprise when it finally comes my way again. And now I get to share that joy with someone else.
It's a treat I remember from my childhood and look forward to that cinnamon sugar deliciousness that comes after ten days of mushing the bag. It's one of the many gifts of grace that I'm counting these days.

friendship bread
the man who does the 4am diaper duty
real life friends
songs in my head and my heart
fresh peaches
23 years of sisterhood
remembering to turn my eyes to Him when life is tough
growing families
a marriage of forgiveness
predictable naptimes
a dip in the lake
german chocolate cake (for lunch)
central air-conditioning
cousins meeting for the first time
seven straight hours of sleep
that He doesn't give me what I deserve
I would post the recipe, but without the starter, it's kind of useless. I'm sure you could google how to make the starter; I've never been that brave/I like the joy in the surprise when it finally comes my way again. And now I get to share that joy with someone else.
It's a treat I remember from my childhood and look forward to that cinnamon sugar deliciousness that comes after ten days of mushing the bag. It's one of the many gifts of grace that I'm counting these days.
friendship bread
the man who does the 4am diaper duty
real life friends
songs in my head and my heart
fresh peaches
23 years of sisterhood
remembering to turn my eyes to Him when life is tough
growing families
a marriage of forgiveness
predictable naptimes
a dip in the lake
german chocolate cake (for lunch)
central air-conditioning
cousins meeting for the first time
seven straight hours of sleep
that He doesn't give me what I deserve
Monday, July 11, 2011
Back to Blogging
Here's reason number one, why I want to start writing again.
Introducing Jack Tarin...
Introducing Jack Tarin...
I'm a stay at home mom now and while the days can be slow, time is flying by. Our little guy is already a month old! Life is so full right now; not busy but full which is totally different and way better. I don't want to miss any of these moments and figure this is a good place to share the joy with others. Stay tuned...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Weekend update
I crawled into bed last night exhausted. But it was the good kind of exhaustion, like the good kind of sore after a workout. I was tired because we worked our buns off this weekend, but I felt great about it. I think I'm officially nesting, because I did more cleaning and organizing in this past three day weekend than I've done in the past three months. It's a great feeling to get our house in order.
And having some accountability, feeling like I would need to come back here and post about my lists for the weekend, gave me a push to meet my goals. So here's the update on how we spent our weekend.
Play List:
- Prayer walk the neighborhood with Jeff and Monte. I have lots of excuses for this one: snow, Monte's leash is at my parent's house, and I made so many trips up and down stairs this weekend that extra walking did not sound like fun.
- Use our Blockbuster Express free rental code (ESU11B good through 1/18). We got into watching Lost online instead. It was still free entertainment, so I'm ok with it.
- Paint something. I don't know what, but I have many projects waiting in the wings. I just feel the need to paint. Painting my nails counts right?
To Finish:
- Rearrange the furniture in the dinning room/kitchen. Done, including my new piano. It makes our home seem so much more peaceful and there are less flat surfaces for clutter.
- Purge the magazines. About halfway done. I'm going through them and tearing out any recipes that I may have missed, so it's taking a little longer.
- Make Colossians memory books. Done with hubby's help.
- Get donations ready to go out the door. Two garbage bags have been loaded in my trunk. Just need to stop at the thrift store and drop them off.
- Start and finish cleaning the house. It's much cleaner than it was on Friday morning!
- Make chicken stock. Done and used some for last night's dinner.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Finish-It Friday
Aby over at Simplify 101 does a weekly Finish-It Friday post. Our whole family has a three day weekend coming up and we have very little on the calendar. This is so rare for our family. I work full time and husband is in full time ministry that often dominates our calendar. His day off is usually Monday's, but as he's also in seminary, these days are often loaded with homework/studying. This three day weekend is like the trifecta of calendar bliss. My government funded office is closed for MLK day, hubby has his usually Monday off and seminary classes don't start back up until the following week, no major ministry events on the calendar, and our exchange student also has Monday off school for MLK day, so no getting up early for the carpool. I love weekends like this where I have time to finish up the things that have been driving me crazy for a while and still have time to rest.
So here's my finish it list for this weekend.
Play List:
To Finish:
So here's my finish it list for this weekend.
Play List:
- Prayer walk the neighborhood with Jeff and Monte.
- Use our Blockbuster Express free rental code (ESU11B good through 1/18).
- Paint something. I don't know what, but I have many projects waiting in the wings. I just feel the need to paint.
To Finish:
- Rearrange the furniture in the dinning room/kitchen.
- Purge the magazines.
- Make Colossians memory books.
- Get donations ready to go out the door.
- Start and finish cleaning the house.
- Make chicken stock.
May you also have a restful and enjoyable weekend.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
My Other List
I've started a list of 1001 gifts of grace to work gratitude into my heart and daily life. I'm noticing and appreciating more God moments and little blessings and doing my best to give him all the praise and glory.
There's another list that I'm working on. It's a list of 101 things I want to do in the next 1001 days (approximately 2.75 years). I finished it on paper in December and have since added it to the blog. I will update the page on the blog as I'm able to cross things off the list. And I'll try to do separate blog postings for those items which might be more interesting. Some items are spiritual, some are financial, some are practical, some are just plain random. Some have been on my mental to do list for a while. I hope that having them written down and a timeline will help me accomplish some of these goals.
Anyway, one that I crossed off on Tuesday night was leaving a 100% tip for a waiter or waitress. We got about 4 inches of snow on Tuesday night, but since hubby and I happened to be out on the other side of town anyway, we decided to go to dinner and use one of the gift cards we had received for Christmas.
Now here's my little soap box. Christians are often known in the food service industry as poor tippers. I've heard many servers complain about being scheduled for Sunday afternoon when they'll have to wait on the after church crowd because they know the tips won't be that great. One friend of ours was trying to live out her faith and share it with her co-workers while working at a restaurant. Her testimony was often hindered when a pastor would stiff one of her friends or someone would leave a tract instead of a tip. In my humble opinion, Christians should be the most generous tippers as they use any opportunity to interact with another person as an opportunity to show them grace and Christ's love.
Stepping down from soap box...
Please don't think that I'm bragging on what we did Tuesday night, or that I think it makes me some super holier than thou Christian. In all honesty, I stole the idea from someone else's 101 list because I thought it sounded cool. But we used the gift card to pay for most of our meal and then paid for it again as the tip on our debit card. I don't really know anything about the young woman who waited on us, and we didn't stick around to see her reaction. But it was a slow snowy night and I'm sure she wasn't too excited to be there. We prayed as we left that the Lord would use this act of generosity to glorify himself. Maybe in heaven he'll tell me her story and how it fits in his eternal story of grace.
There's another list that I'm working on. It's a list of 101 things I want to do in the next 1001 days (approximately 2.75 years). I finished it on paper in December and have since added it to the blog. I will update the page on the blog as I'm able to cross things off the list. And I'll try to do separate blog postings for those items which might be more interesting. Some items are spiritual, some are financial, some are practical, some are just plain random. Some have been on my mental to do list for a while. I hope that having them written down and a timeline will help me accomplish some of these goals.
Anyway, one that I crossed off on Tuesday night was leaving a 100% tip for a waiter or waitress. We got about 4 inches of snow on Tuesday night, but since hubby and I happened to be out on the other side of town anyway, we decided to go to dinner and use one of the gift cards we had received for Christmas.
Now here's my little soap box. Christians are often known in the food service industry as poor tippers. I've heard many servers complain about being scheduled for Sunday afternoon when they'll have to wait on the after church crowd because they know the tips won't be that great. One friend of ours was trying to live out her faith and share it with her co-workers while working at a restaurant. Her testimony was often hindered when a pastor would stiff one of her friends or someone would leave a tract instead of a tip. In my humble opinion, Christians should be the most generous tippers as they use any opportunity to interact with another person as an opportunity to show them grace and Christ's love.
Stepping down from soap box...
Please don't think that I'm bragging on what we did Tuesday night, or that I think it makes me some super holier than thou Christian. In all honesty, I stole the idea from someone else's 101 list because I thought it sounded cool. But we used the gift card to pay for most of our meal and then paid for it again as the tip on our debit card. I don't really know anything about the young woman who waited on us, and we didn't stick around to see her reaction. But it was a slow snowy night and I'm sure she wasn't too excited to be there. We prayed as we left that the Lord would use this act of generosity to glorify himself. Maybe in heaven he'll tell me her story and how it fits in his eternal story of grace.
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